Lunch Menus

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March 2025
Monday Mon M
Tuesday Tue T
Wednesday Wed W
Thursday Thu T
Friday Fri F


Seasoned Fries


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Beef Soft Tacos

Pinto Beans


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Dominos WG Pizza – Cheese or Pepperoni


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Rotini Pasta w/ Beef Sauce

WG Breadstick


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Half Day

Records Day 

Dismissal @ 11:30

Breakfast only 

WG Pancake

Plant Based Sausage 

Hash Brown Coins

Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Chicken Tostada

Black Beans

Golden Corn 


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Dominos WG Pizza – Cheese or Pepperoni


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Parent Teacher Conferences

Half Day Dismissal @ 11:30

Breakfast only 

Parent Teacher Conferences

Half Day Dismissal @ 11:30

Breakfast only 

Chicken Corn Dog on a Stick

Seasoned Potato Wedges


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Beef & Bean Burrito


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Dominos WG Pizza – Cheese or Pepperoni


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Chicken Alfredo

Steamed Broccoli


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Chef’s Choice Day


Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Bosco Sticks/



Husky Bowl Salad w/ croutons or WG roll

Milk Choice

Barbacoa Soft Tacos


Husky Bowl Salad

Pinto Beans

Whole Wheat Bread Roll

Milk Choice

Domino’s Pizza


Husky Bowl Salad

Whole Wheat Roll

Milk Choice

Rotini Pasta


Husky Bowl Salad

Whole Wheat Breadstick

Milk Choice

Hot Dog with Bun


Husky Bowl Salad

Whole Wheat Roll

Seasoned Corn 

Milk Choice


Free for all. Served daily 7:45-8am in the café. Or, grab & go at the door between 8-8:15.

  • Cereal Kits
  • Fruit choice
  • Milk choice

Free School Lunch

Free for all School lunch consists of 5 components.    Students must take at least 3 of the 5 components to receive the free meal which includes milk. (Components: Meat or meat alternate, fruit, veggie, grain, milk)


Cold Bar (served daily)
Choice of a variety of  fruits & vegetables!

Milk Only

If bringing a home lunch, the cost of milk is .50 cents.